Medicine and Health
edicine and Health is an international journal published by the Faculty of Medicine Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. The journal is published twice in a year in electronic format. The journal publishes invited editorials, reviews, original research papers, interesting case reports and clinical quiz.
Medicine (British English Listeni/ˈmɛdsᵻn/; American English Listeni/ˈmɛdᵻsᵻn/) is the science and routine of the conclusion, treatment, and anticipation of infection. The word drug is gotten from Latin medicus, signifying “a doctor”. Drug includes an assortment of human services hones developed to keep up and reestablish wellbeing by the anticipation and treatment of sickness. Contemporary medication applies biomedical sciences, biomedical research, hereditary qualities, and restorative innovation to analyze, treat, and forestall damage and illness, commonly through pharmaceuticals or surgery, additionally through treatments as various as psychotherapy, outside props and footing, therapeutic gadgets, biologics, and ionizing radiation, among others.
Medicine has existed for a large number of years, amid the majority of which it was a workmanship (a range of ability and information) regularly having associations with the religious and philosophical convictions of nearby culture. For instance, a prescription man would apply herbs and say petitions for mending, or an antiquated rationalist and doctor would apply phlebotomy as per the speculations of humorism. In late hundreds of years, since the coming of current science, most solution has turned into a blend of workmanship and science (both fundamental and connected, under the umbrella of medicinal science). While sewing strategy for sutures is a workmanship learned through practice, the information of what happens at the cell and atomic level in the tissues being sewed emerges through science.
Prescientific types of medication are presently known as customary solution and society pharmaceutical. They remain ordinarily utilized with or rather than logical prescription and are accordingly called elective pharmaceutical. For instance, prove on the viability of needle therapy is “variable and conflicting” for any condition, however is for the most part safe when done by a suitably prepared professional. Interestingly, medications outside the limits of wellbeing and viability are named deception.